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A Smart city journey with 5G RedCap Story

A Smart city journey with 5G RedCap Story

In the lively city of Nexville, innovation was that very heartbeat itself which brought everything to life. The city had a renowned track record for being one of the tech-forward cities particularly in IoT (Internet of Things) landscape. Yet, while the Smart City officials had a relatively sophisticated infrastructure in place they suffered from perennial issue: connectivity. Looking for a cost efficient, scalable and energy friendly solution to manage their increasing number of IoT devices That was until 5G RedCap - the technology which would change their connectivity landscape.

Nexville city officials under Chief Technology Officer Jane Michaels were trying to convert the whole into a proper smart city. Their traditional generation connectivity solutions had been getting increasingly long in the tooth. They were being bottlenecked by high costs, limited scalability and power consumption issues that kept cropping up.

One morning she sipped a cup of coffee and checked news in her tablet. She found an article about 5G RedCap. She was then introduced to the concept of RedCap 5G. More here - it looked like the perfect solution: a trimmed down version of 5G designed for IoT applications, targeted at use-cases that wouldn't require all the full capabilities of standard 5G. With claims to reduced complexity, cost and increased battery life - well-suited action to Nexville's requirements.

Jane sprung her team into action and started learning more about 5G RedCap technicality of it. It was when they discovered the potential of this tech to solve some major problem that everything changed. With less latency, and a denser network for Support of Intelligent Transportation Systems in which he include the city's traffic management system as part of it (which includes connected traffic lights/sensons), herewith could be gain many advantages from better networking efficiency. Utilizing smart grids that are able to remotely and constantly monitor the use of energy would reach astounding levels efficiency and dependability.

5G RedCap was put on a pilot in one of the most crowded areas at Nexville. And man the results were absolutely amazing. This information was in turn relayed to connected traffic lights which responded imminently, thus the congestion and interferences with flow of vehicles has been significantly improved. Advantages: The precision that the smart grids worked on helped conserve a large amount of energy. The city also saw improvements to public safety systems, such as an uptick in reliability and performance for connected cameras.

Building success Beaming with the successful pilot, Jane and her team made a decision to roll out 5G RedCap at large scale city wide. The scalability of RedCap enabled them to become a massive device connecting backbone which is the basis for new IoT related applications. From Healthcare IoT monitoring to smart automation in factories, you name it and there was scope for implementing the solution.

As Nexville was growing, more cities started to pay attention. The company Nexville was a huge success for which Jane regularly offered to speak at conferences. It was a milestone for others to get inspired from the effort put in transforming Nexville into smart city with 5G RedCap

The 5G RedCap has been transformative for Nexville. It has allowed us to grow our IoT network without untenable complexity and costs. - Jane Michaels, Nexville CTO.

Our IoT devices operate longer on battery than they used to and have cut the amount we spend maintaining them. Sam Reynolds, Head of IoT Deployment

The initial results of 5G RedCap have made traffic management and energy efficiency for use cases significantly safer. - Laura Davis, City Planner.

The release of 5G RedCap in Nexville is clear evidence of what this kind of technology can do. With this, 5G RedCap works well for all the IoT (Internet of Things) connectivity requirements that a city has by addressing key challenges and providing scalable, efficient and cost-effective connectivity. The future of smart cities is looking increasingly bright as more and more cities emulate Nexville.

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